Human Immunodeficiency Virus

Human Immunodeficiency Virus A virus that attacks immune system, could cause an acquired immunodeficiency (AIDS), a late stage infection when the immune system is seriously affected.

HIV/AIDS is one world's most serious health problems throughout human history. WHO estimates that there'll be 38 million people living with HIV around the globe by 2019. More than 33 million HIV deaths have been recorded worldwide.

HIV isn't curable in the present moment. The focus should be on the prevention of HIV. If you follow these guidelines, you can greatly reduce the chance of being HIV positive.

Avoid sharing needles or other injection devices

HIV can be transmitted through injections shared between people who inject substances. If you inject directly, or under on the skin, you risk is very high. Use these tips to lower your HIV risks if using drugs. To learn additional information on HIV, you have to browse site.

Always use a new, sterilized needle or syringe each injection.

If you have to make use of a needle that is used by others, clean it using bleach prior to making use of it.

Use only injection equipment that is from a reputable source such as pharmacies and needle exchange programs.

Do not share needles and needles with your family or with friends.

Condoms can be a great idea

Condoms are a reliable option to decrease the chance of developing HIV/AIDS. When used correctly and consistently (every time a person has sexual contact) are able to help reduce HIV risks and other sexually transmitted illnesses.

Latex condoms are the best however, you may also use non-latex condoms if you have an allergy to latex. Don't reuse the condom and make sure it's not damaged or the expiration date hasn’t passed.

Pre-exposure preventive measures

PrEP is a HIV prevention method that aids those at risk of HIV infection, even if they do not already have HIV. Antiretroviral medication that is taken daily (ARVs) are also referred to as PrEP, are taken.

The ARVs with the most testing for PrEP therapy are tenofovir as well as Emtricitabine. Both are taken as one pill every day called Truvada.

Truvada, taken according to the directions, is extremely effective at preventing HIV spread. It is crucial to remember that Truvada may only prevent HIV infection. It does not protect the person from any various STIs or blood-borne diseases.

Take a test

Prior to having a sex session, be sure you together with your partner were checked for HIV and other sexually transmitted infections (STIs). It is recommended to test each year at a minimum for HIV when you are living an active sexual life.

The presence of an STI raises your chance of getting or transmitting HIV. If you suffer from an STD as well as HIV it is recommended to get tested for HIV. Here you can find the location where you can test for HIV as well as STDs. 


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